A remarkable project has been completed in Gemert: ‘Pelgrimshof’. In addition to housing a stylish crematorium, the building is also designed to serve as a ‘knowledge and information center’ for the funeral industry. For this new crematorium, Crematech provided and installed an electric cremation furnace. Special attention was given to the furnace’s input area. The front of the Crematech electric furnace and the casket input system have been fully integrated into the stylish interior of the crematorium. This has created a unique space where family members can, if desired, quietly witness the beginning of the cremation.
During three open days, over 6,000 visitors have toured Pelgrimshof to get to know this unique farewell facility better. Additionally, several dozen cremations have already been successfully carried out. We are extremely proud to have contributed to this project and wish the Pelgrimshof team much success!