The R.K. Cemeteries Foundation in The Hague has recently decided to build a crematorium. They had an explicit wish to install an electric cremation furnace. After careful consideration, the foundation decided to award us this contract, and we are proud to be realizing our first electric cremation furnace in The Hague.
We have already installed a Crematech Double-End electric cremation furnace to allow for rear cremation. The task was to make the furnace blend seamlessly with the rest of the building. Therefore, the color of the front of the furnace is customized according to the client’s preference. The crematorium is expected to be operational by the end of March 2023.
The construction of the crematorium is well underway. Here is a preview of the furnace and filter system after installation.
Recently, the entire installation—the cremation furnace and filter—was blessed, and we have put the furnace into operation.